About Me

PhD candidate at UNICOG, Neurospin (CEA/INSERM)


I did my PhD under the supervision of Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz at Neurospin. I am interested on how the human brain compresses and represents the information in sound sequences with a focus on the amazing capacities of babies to learn their mother tongue. To explore these questions, I rely on :

  • experimental psychology : behavioral measures of our cognitive capacities ;
  • neuroimaging tools such as neonatal EEG or MEG to measure the brain activity during cognitive tasks ;
  • modelling : use of mathematical and deep-learning models to represent and understand human’s ability.



After studying mathematics, physics and computer science in prep school, I joined CentraleSupelec where I completed an engineering degree with emphasis on signal processing and bio-engineering. In parallel to my last engineering year, I completed a Master degree in computational biology at Université Paris-Saclay.

Previous research experiences

During those studies I had the opportunity to take a gap year and work as a research intern :

  • At University College London with Maria Chait on sound salience its relation with pupil dynamics ;
  • At the McGill Montreal Neurological Institute with Robert Zatorre, Philippe Albouy and Benjamin Morillon on speech and music processing with fMRI data.